Wednesday 14 December 2016

jaimes work

What I am most proud of. Listening to the teacher. Five of the best things I learnt or did this year. My Birds rule all the trees. my 5 times tables. my athletics storey.being kind to my friends.not saying mean words to my friends. New friends I made this year. Madeline catlin Tinky MIA ella millie kamiria rosa My favourite memory of 2016 The middile school picnic The kindest or nicest thing my teacher did for me this year. After clean up time she leats us go on the playgrounde. The best piece of work I did this year. My sintific writing The funniest thing that happened this year A boy sticing a sticer up his nose.

Thursday 1 December 2016

The tropicill iylind

C Birds Rule All The Trees

It started as a beautiful day. The birds were so happy
So many birds were flying in the sky. I saw the birds flying around. I heard the beautiful tweets. I felt the flowers tickle my feet. I heart the stream, I smelt the grass. The wind touched me as I played on the grass. The grass looked like lovely mowed grass like princess grass. The flowers were extraordinary. I felt the tiny little spits of rain fall on me. It felt beautiful. I wondered if the fairy weather mother would make it a lovely day again. Like the best day ever, then thunder came, all the the birds flew back into their homes. One poor little bird died. So sad right? I think I know it’s name, was it Lilly or Tara? I remember it was Tara. Pretty cute name right? I took it home and mum said we would take it to the vet tomorrow. And so we did.

The vet said do you have a little girl? “Yes” said mum. But she’s at school, “Can You Go Get her?” “Yes” said mum So she went to go get her. But she was doing a test when she got there. “Hi mum” said Lilly, mum’s daughter. “Hi teacher, may I have Lilly?” Said mum. “Sure, You can have her in five minutes.” “She needs to finish her test.” “Thank you so much.” What do you need her for?” “There was thunder yesterday and she found a poor little bird that was so sad.” “The vet lady said she needed a little girl to help.” “Why?” said the teacher. “Because my fingers are too big.” “Okay, you can take her.” Said the teacher. “What time does she need to come back?” 5:00. “Okay thanks, bye!” “Come on Lilly” “Okay mum Okay!”

By Jaime Davies.

The awesome fantastic athletics

THE awesome fantastic ATHLETICS
By Jaime Davies

Guss what we had on fryday.?  You guest it ATHLETICS!.
Guss what we had to bring.? Sun block water lunch box a book and some colring in for you and your frinds.I wonder were we did it umm I think I remember yes I do. Jpc. They have a hyoumungis filed what grops wer we in.ahh I rememder 7 and 8 were together.The first persen I saw was anca.She is a really nice girl.In the hall we had to jump over this thing.In the last race of athletics well all most the last thing. We sill had to do the chameinchips.And the seramoney.Befor the seramoney we had sosigg sizzill.O and wen mr volshank he has a gun that dosin ‘t shot eney thing.It is really noysey well at first it was noysey.In the 3 race I came 3 prittey funny right.I could fell the wind ruch past me wen he shot the gun and of we wer gon.I was really phfed at the end.  I saw thowsins of people.If I did better I would of came first in evry singgill one shot pout was really fun.O and there is also long jump I got alot of sand in my shos  o and we also had vor-tex.We had to thow this thing. So the rounded part of your hand gows on the big pufey part.